Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Review Bixtrim Project


BIXTRIM is a blockchain-based multi-functional financial platform that will incorporate all the necessary cryptocurrency market features, products and services. The BIXTRIM ICO is looking to fund the use of crypto-based accounts with various established retail banks, and consequently become compliant with multiple financial services requirements.
Their advanced global platform will look to accommodate the advent crypto market fans who are looking to use the innovation to their advantage. To enable this, BIXTRIM will use their native cryptocurrency to allow anyone to participate by becoming a BMX token holder.
The Bixtrim team has an innovative vision of a future with simplified usage of crypto in every day life and we want our customers to be a part of it. The popularity and quick success of cryptocurrencies has made it crucial for infrastructure and functionality to keep up. That is exactly why we found so many obstacles and issues that needed to be solved. Our team of like-minded people rallied in order to make these revolutionary ideas a reality. Bixtrim is an innovational exchange platform based in Tbilisi, Georgia, ranked second in the world for cryptocurrency mining.

Why Bixtrim ?

Absolutely functional platform
We started the project in 2017 and created a better concept for our future platform. We strive to the better every day in order to make our platform the strongest and the most comfortable for our users.
Thinking oriented on the problems solution 
The faster crypto world develops, the more new tasks and problems users meet. With a big experience in the work of crypto trading, our team united for reaching solutions for every given task.
Strong team of professionals
Diversity - one of the main advantages of our team. Education, profession, experience, age, gender. All differences are directed to be the instruments for one common goal, on which we work together: to ease access to the digital economy on a regular basis.
Bixtrim Solution:
using the accounts from the different banks in order to maximally use money transfer modern methods for fast transfer. Through our accounting network we will find the fastest way to your bank account.
crypto pawn shop will be developed, where coin owners can pawn them for a period of time and get them back after paying off the fees. This service allows customers to keep coins, as sell as get the needed cash for a short-term and profit in a long term.
will develop futures contracts on a Bixtrim platform, that will support planned transactions dates. Every platform user will be able to use this function and easily trade/play. Every coins that are traded on the Bixtrim platform will support futures.
will release revolutionary plastic card that will be directly connected to the Bixtrim coin and other cryptocurrencies. This card will be available in the internet shops, ATMs, PoS terminals and will have high daily limit. The owners of the plastic cards will be able to make purchases or perform transactions anywhere and everywhere.
Bixtrim plastic card connected directly to the cryptocurrency will solve the problem. There is no need to make any exchanges or transaction, cash is not used and shouldn`t be declared as an income. Bixtrim card will help to get rid of the additional taxes and perform transactions/payments in coins using this card.

How Does Bixtrim Works?

Bixtrim will issue the BMX token as a utility currency for the transaction on their network. BMX will go into paying fees and transacting. Additionally, BIXTRIM plan on having a cryptocurrency pawn shop where token holder can pawn the item for a period and regain them later.
BIXTRIM has also created the possibility for the users to hold the BMX tokens and cash through short-term commitments. In essence, BIXTRIM will allow for token holding in return for long-term profits.
There is also the BIXTRIM exchange that will accommodate the crypto trading on the platform. Here, token holders get to hold, trade or exchange cryptocurrency. In the future, BIXTRIM will include a futures support, and a BMX coins credit card.



Token Sales Detail:

Token: BXM
Price: 1 BXM = 1 USD
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: BTC, LTC, ETH, Fiat
Minimum investment: 30 BXM
Soft cap: 6,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 51,000,000 USD
Country: Georgia
Whitelist/KYC: KYC

For more information:

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fundação XRT

XRT Foundation is een non-profit online voedingsplatform opgericht door twee jonge en enthousiaste ondernemers 'MJ Paul' en 'Anil Kumar'. Het probeert een partnerschap aan te gaan met de grote bedrijven die werkzaam zijn in de voedingssector, met behulp van zijn eigen cryptocurrency genaamd XRT.
Het heeft tot doel de vitale betalingsproblemen op te lossen die zich voordoen in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie, waar de XRT-munt het alternatief is voor 'kaart-n contante betalingen'. Het primaire doel is om Blockchain-technologie te gebruiken om de vele ongemakken van het betalingsproces op te lossen in restaurants en andere voedselwinkels zoals cafés en alles, met behulp van ons XRT-platform. Via onze XRT mobiele app zullen we klanten een instant & veilige betaalmethodeoplossing bieden met behulp van onze XRT-token. Kaartbetalingen worden eindelijk probleemloos en de klanten worden comfortabeler tijdens het betalen aan een restro of ergens anders.
Omdat XRT gebaseerd is op het blockchain-concept van Ethereum, waardoor het veiliger is dan transacties op basis van derden. XRT-munten zijn betaalbaar in het oorspronkelijke aanbod, maar we hebben gepland voor hun succesvolle inclinatie in termen van prijs. We willen XRT bereikbaar maken. XRT-munten zijn gebaseerd op Ethereum-protocollen waardoor ze kunnen beginnen met handelen zonder extra formaliteiten. We hebben de marktomstandigheden en geïntegreerde succesvolle strategieën geanalyseerd met ons project om het geschatte doel te voltooien.
Waarom XRT
Welke beelden komen in je op als we praten over de voedingsmiddelenindustrie? Als het niet verkeerd is, weten we allemaal dat het allemaal om restaurants, cafés, hotels en motels gaat. Hoe geweldig is het wanneer we naar restaurants gaan of ergens anders om uiteindelijk een lunch of diner te nemen! Wie wil geen zorgeloze dag terwijl hij geniet van het heerlijke eten met hun geliefden.
Maar soms hebben we problemen als we betalen in een restaurant, hotel of ergens anders. Soms zijn we bijvoorbeeld bang om te betalen met een creditcard of bankpas omdat er kans is op diefstal van onze kaartgegevens zoals PIN of etc. Toegevoegd aan de kosten is het gebrek aan interface tussen verwerkingssystemen. We moeten afhankelijk zijn van derden zoals banken of andere financiële instellingen. Zelfs wij worden soms geconfronteerd met liquiditeitsproblemen. Resulterende, verwerkings- en betalingsvertragingen, verloren transacties en dure vergoedingen. Hebben we er ooit over nagedacht om dergelijke problemen op te lossen?
Werkproces van XRT
XRT foundation werkt aan een gedecentraliseerd platform. We gaan via XRT Token een betere en veiligere betaaloplossing bieden voor Hotel and Restaurant Industry. In elke sector wil een klant altijd een dergelijke betalingsgateway die snel en veilig is. Door het volgende doel aan te pakken, bouwen we een zeer snelle en handige mobiele app die beschikbaar is voor zowel Android- als iOS-gebruikers.
Beveiligde gateway:
XRT is gebaseerd op het concept van blockchain Ethereum, waardoor het veiliger is om via derden te handelen
• Geloofwaardigheid:
De XRT-token is betaalbaar in zijn oorspronkelijke aanbod, maar het team heeft plannen gemaakt voor hun succes in termen van prijs. Het project wil XRT bereikbaar maken.
• Makkelijk te gebruiken:
XRT-munten op basis van het Ethereum-protocol stellen hen in staat te beginnen met handelen zonder aanvullende procedures.
• Big Data Insights:
We hebben de marktomstandigheden en geïntegreerde succesvolle strategieën geanalyseerd met ons project om het geschatte doel te bereiken.
Token - XRT
Platform - Ethereum
Type - ERC20
PreICO-prijs - 1 XRT = 0,0001 ETH
Prijs in ICO - 1 XRT = 0.000250 ETH
Voorverkoop = 50% bonus ICO:
Fase I = 30% bonus
Fase II = 15% bonus
Fase III = 5% bonus
Tokens te koop - 330.000.000
Min. investering - 0,1 ETH
Accepteren - ETH, BTC, LTC, DGB, BNB, XMR, DASH
Gedistribueerd in ICO - 66%
Zachte dop - 4.000 ETH
Harde kap - 40.000 ETH
Token Distributie
Begin - 1 juni 2018 (12:00 AM UTC + 5:30)
Einde - 30 augustus 2018 (12:00 AM UTC + 5:30)

Q4 2017
Projectplanning en marktonderzoek
Verbinden met technische experts en adviseurs
Analyseren van problemen die zich voordoen in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie
Bestudeer de hele infrastructuur van crypto-valuta's en Blockchain
Q1 2018
Roadmap vrijgeven
Mobiele app voor Android
Whitepaper 1.0 vrijgeven
Q2 2018
Airdrop & Bounties
Marketing en promotionele activiteiten
Evenementen en partnerschappen
Start Pre-sale en ICO's
Q3 2018
Verdeling van Airdrop en Bounties
Release van Whitepaper 2.0
Solliciteer op de lijst voor beurzen
Einde van ICO
Starten van Windows- en Linux-portemonnee
Notering op binnenlandse en buitenlandse beurzen
Q4 2018
Vastbinden met voedselreuzen in Azië
Mac-portemonnee starten
Eigen restaurants en franchises
Businesstourin Azië voor de ontwikkeling van XRT Foundation
Geavanceerde functies in mobiele applicatie
Notering op meer uitwisselingen

For more information please visit


Hello community steemit, in this new post I would like to introduce about MUSTproject, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion 

About the project

The MUST ecosystem is the world's first block-based platform, assuming the circulation of digital bonds within the scope of motor transport rentals, equipment, construction, and specialized equipment.
Project target market volume MUST be 520 billion USD. According to low estimates, the project team plans the next 5 years to take 7.5% of the market and show a turnover of 40 billion USD. 

Elements of The MUST System

In the system there are a number of different roles, b with the main business roles being: 
  • End Client - The end customer, an SME entrepreneur who is interested in gaining access to financing. Owner of the tokenized asset (Smart Asset).
  • MUST Agent / Originator - A service company of the MUST group, acting as an operating agent in the asset tokenization / securitization transaction.
  • Investor Fiat Capital - A private investor, a bank or investment company interested in investing in Smart Asset or Securities (securities) with a certain profitability. This type of investors include, among others, consumers of the final product.
  • Investor Crypto Capital - A private investor, bank or investment company interested in investing crypto capital in a Smart Asset with a certain profitability.
  • Smart Asset - A tokenized asset, verified by the guarantor and connected to the monitoring system.
  • Proof of Asset Algorithm - A unique algorithm of tokenization and asset securitization. Includes: Smart Asset Tokenizer and Smart Asset Escrow.
  • MUST SPV - A special company, issuer of securities issued on the basis of tokenized Smart Assets.
  • MUST Wallet - Service for the exchange of fiat and crypto-currencies for tokens MUST, MST, as well as KYC identification of users in the system.
  • Crypto-Fiat Custodian - A service that includes a number of solutions aimed at organizing the "cold" storage of the crypto-assets of the originator, performing the functions of a classical depository. Provides an opportunity to take crypto assets to accounting.
  • MUST Exchange - A crypto-active exchange, the main purpose of which is the organization of transactions for the sale of tokenized assets. A familiar exchange interface will quickly and easily start using a new financial instrument.
Public Exchange - Classic exchanges, which will trade securities issued on the basis of Smart Assets. 

Products MUST

  • MUST Renta - leasing services for SMEs.
  • MUST Lending is a financing service (loan) secured by tokenized assets for IHR.
  • MUST Escrow is a service to finance trade transactions through the tokenisasi assets to be financed under the transaction.
  • MUST Digital Bonds (MDB) - Digital bonds issued in the securitization process, based on token assets and cash flows on it

Token Holder

The token holder must have access to all ecosystem services and offers from a value-based economy. Token MUST grant the holder the right to discount when paying commissions on MUST Exchange according to the following schedule: 
  • HB - 2019 Q4 - 50%
  • 2020 Q1 - 2020 Q4 - 75%
  • 2021 Q1 - 2021 Q4 - 80%
  • 2022 Q1 - 2022 Q4 - 90%
All tokens received by the MUST system as commission payments will be burned. After listing on the exchange, tokens MUST also be exchanged for crypto-active or other fiat currencies.
Number of tokens issued 500 000 000 Additional emissions not provided. And tokens MUST be issued according to the ERC223 standard on the Ethereum network. 

Token Sale

  • Pre-Operation Personal / 25.02 - 30.06.2018 /
  • Bonus + 20%
  • Public PreSale / 01.07 - 31.07.2018 /
  • Bonus + 10%
  • Sales of Public Token / 01.08 - 30.08.2018 /
  • Bonus 0%

Fee Token

  • 1 MUST = 0.10 USD
  • Soft Cap = 6 700 000 USD
  • Hard Cap = 35 000 000 USD
  • Token Sale - 350 000 000
  • Team - 50 000 000 (hold up to Q3 2019)
  • Marketing & Advisors - 25 000 000
  • MUST Foundation - 75 000 000 (hold up to Q3 2020)

Investment Distribution

  • R & D - 15%
  • Law - 20%
  • Marketing - 60%
  • Operating costs - 5%
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the MUST project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link. 
For more information and join MUST social media today please follow these resources: 
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WPP ENERGY - Backed Asset Green Energy Token

This platform is created to reduce the cost of "green" energy in most countries of the world by transmitting data on the generation of electricity from wholesale renewable energy producers worldwide to the platform. Own surplus production of energy WPP Energy will also be captured on the platform and will be available for purchase.  
WPP has a critical green energy solution for improving the world by converting as many polluting power stations as possible into non-polluting power plants (20,000 currently in existence). This WPP initiative will grow by the size of the renewable energy sector, which is already a huge multi-billion dollar market.   
WPP ENERGY has conducted research and development over the past 3 years using advanced technologies to find innovative methods for converting polluting power plants to clean energy. The transformation of WPP Energy Power Plant starts testing in the third quarter of 2018 in Greece, and then goes to Turkey, Bulgaria, Germany and many other countries around the world.      
The WPP team and the AEG Industrial Engineering team will join forces to update the HHO transformation solution. This will ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the market and the expectations of customers. Both WPP ENERGY and AEG INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING understand that the world is waiting for such a viable solution that will sharply reduce global pollution and warming, it is expected that the global demand for this solution will be extremely strong.      
The main focus of WPP is to make the existing polluting power plants that use coal, natural gas, oil and gasoline as clean and environmentally friendly as possible. The decision to convert WPP will also reduce the operating costs of the power plant by 65% ​​and significantly improve the efficiency of power plants.   
The solution for the conversion of WPH HHO    
The WPP conversion solution is housed inside a 20-inch container ready for safety, which allows the conversion of polluting oil, coal, natural gas and gasoline power stations into highly efficient zero pollution of steam plants (HHO). After conversion, they will produce a sufficient amount of gaseous hydrogen mixed with other H2O applications, creating maximum efficiency, capable of operating at a 500 MW or 1,000 MW power plant.     
A zero carbon footprint is the WPP approach to the outcome of the conversion process and a strong contribution to reducing global warming.    
Introducing the next generation WPP ENERGY MOBILE POWER STATION, which is housed inside a sealed 40-foot container. This is a turnkey HHO power plant that will produce from 1 MW / h to 2.5 MW / h as a standalone independent solution requiring only the regular connection of a water line. Our innovative technology turns water into an HHO mixed with a safe environmental application to create clean and green energy.   
The cost of electricity produced by the WPP MOBILE POWER PLANT is part of the traditional energy sources. It can be delivered to your doorstep anywhere in the world. The ease of transporting by air, rail, sea, truck, or with a super-powerful helicopter means that areas in the world that are not serviced or served properly will have a viable and direct source of energy.      
When HHO POWERSTATION CONTAINER arrives at the designated delivery point, it is ready from the 1st day to generate electricity. No internal power plant is required. All systems are exposed only to the connection of the water line.    
The operating cost of the HHO power plant is part of other energy sources, which is 75% less than most other traditional energy sources.    
3. MAKES AT LEAST 1 MW / H.   Depending on which configuration is ordered, the power plant produces from 1 MW / h to 2.5 MW / h.    
The HHO power plant uses water as a fuel cell, oxygen. This power plant also uses other important private technologies. No harmful emissions are produced, helping the problems of pollution and global warming.    
In addition to the prepared flat surface, the only thing necessary for the operation of your HHO POWER STATION is the connection of cold water.    
Cold, hot or humid climate are equally well suited for use with HHO POWER CONTAINERS. It has a heavy duty design, is insulated and the interior of the unit is climate controlled.    
The HHO container is equipped with a powerful parabolic retractable power antenna, which is designed for wind power of 100 miles per hour. Connecting to the Internet allows you to send power data to WPP servers to monitor system performance with WPP. Wi-Fi will provide Internet access for users within a radius of action.
WPP offers an instant, inexpensive source of clean energy for those who want to disconnect from their current overpriced energy supplier and use their own efficient, very cheap, clean, independent power source.   Home HHO works on water and converts water into electricity, producing 100% pure energy. Users will get a significant reduction in energy costs.    
Users of this technology will find that, as a rule, it will fully pay for itself in two years. Users will be free of electricity bills as soon as their modest initial investment in HHO equipment is returned.     
The WPP ENERGY platform is designed to reduce the cost of green energy around the world, initially through the use of WPP technologies, partnerships, licenses, affiliates and third-party relationships. We will also invite green energy suppliers to participate in reducing the cost of green energy on a global scale.     
The WPP EXCHANGE PLATFORM is a stock exchange for crypto currency, which should soon be released and focuses on the currency trading of energy, as well as crypto-mini- crypto currency and digital tokens. Its creation will increase liquidity for all types of participating crypto currencies, which will allow different currencies to trade against each other. On the platform will be traded at least 20 different crypto-currencies related to energy.
Period of the ICO 
Start: 7/1/2018 
Completion: 08/01/2018  
Beginning: 09/07/2018 
Completion: 07.12.2018 
More Information :

My Bitcointalk Account: 

Sidera ICO

Hello everyone meet again with my post this time, of course still around the world of cryptocurrency, but this time I will try to make a more hot topic among the citizens, an ICO on a platform that moves in the field of convenient blockchain platform whether this let's discuss together to be clearer
Sidera is a new platform that allows users in Retail Point of Sale (POS) to use smartphones and non-contact smartphones. Sidera is the first blockchain technology to use the first wearable decals.
Sidera is a comprehensive and complete solution for contactless smart cards from the retail and POS point of view, including full implementation of links to all components. It includes ready and working port terminals and POS points. All these components will be widely used with open source and open specifications.
Sidera will provide a network of bonuses for participants through suppliers of free equipment for retail stores in European countries. Users will be granted bonuses for participating in the sidera network. The main feature will be the ease and availability of using this technology, as well as the convenience of payment using mobile devices and smart watches.
Sidera's vision
Sidera will help create new and old needs, as well as large and small electronic money.
Sidera is focusing on Asia more specifically in Indonesia and China.
Half of all Southeast Asian people live in Indonesia. In China there are more than 700 millionpeople use the internet.
Sedira has a local team with a deep understanding of Indonesia and China market with track records, connectors and products to suit your needs Bridge of the market where Sidera is heading
Unique features of Sidera Wearable Device (DWD)
  • BitSmart is a hardware wallet that you can use on your wrist. It is completely decentralized and synchronized with the network of blockers.
  • Additional functions - provides various functions such as automatic detection of transaction addresses, mobile notifications, individual hours, invisibility mode, price warnings, QR-bar code generators, transactions, and much more. This Wearable device also uses intelligent BitSmart software that will provide the latest news, weather news and the ability to make transactions using this device. In the near future in this device will be added the possibility of two-factor authentication 2FA. The BitSmart software will be released with open source OPEN SOURCE, which can be used by the community to add new features.
  • Offline transactions by approaching the wrist - this Wearable device has a proxy projection that will allow the smart clock to communicate with other BitSmart devices using a Bluetooth or Wifi connection at a certain distance. This feature will make it easier for users to make transactions by simply bringing the sender's and receiver's wrists closer.
  • POS-payments using the internal NFC module. This device is equipped with an internal NFC module, which allows very quickly to process POS payments. The NFC system is cultivated more subtly in the current NFC appeal. You can shop at the store using NFC very easily and quickly.
  • Automatic detection of transaction addresses - SmartWatch BitSmart device Users can send more bitcoins or crypto currency in a more revolutionary way, which automatically determines the address of the transaction. If you receive a notification about Bitcoin or other crypto currency addresses, the address will be automatically detected, and then you will be given the opportunity to confirm the transaction notification or send funds to a specific address.
  • Entropy Generation with your hand movement - the BitSmart tool can generate entropy for your wallet by simply moving your hand. This function is designed using the built-in accelerometer sensor.
  • Bitcoin or purse ERC20. Your money can be stored in the purse OFF-CHAIN ​​on your wristwatch. Use encryption protection, which is reliable and does not fail.
The security level of the Wearable device (DWD)
A unique identification system - an encrypted encryption key or an encryption key using a unique identifier method created with the user's hand movements, sweat, sweat and other elements, are unique parts for everyone. Smartwatch comes with a sensor that will receive and decode the body, then the sensor will provide access to your hardware purse.
  • Ghost Mode - Ultra Security is used in a special mode, namely in Ghost mode. With this mod, your wallet will not be detected by other devices. Ghost mode will also change the clock mode to normal normal hours, so that it does not look like a purse of the crypto currency. Security in a key with military-grade encryption.
  • Safe Anti-Claiming System - this system will provide a high degree of security with a private key stored in the device's isolated software environment. This super-secure partition will be encrypted at the level of the AES-2048 army, which nobody can be violated, which makes it safe from theft. BystSmart Smartwatch is a separate device, and the friend application does not store your private key. Only you can have a personal key, written in 12 random words, to access your funds. You must keep it in a safe place, because it can not be restored.
    SmartBit will be produced in three specific versions:
  1. BitBand: multi-color interchangeable wrist strap with touch screen;
  2. BitWatch Premium: Elegant 3-color intelligent clock with touch screen;
  3. BitWatch Visionary: Elegant smart clock with touch screen and multi-layered security with face recognition and biometric sensors.
    Mobilize capital from the community
    Soft Cap: $ 1,500.500
    Hard Cap : $ 15,000,000
    Total Supply : 51,000,000 EQUOS
Soft Cap: $ 1.500.000
Use to develop SmartBand with Wallet ERC-20, QR reader and companion application plus basic features.
$ 2.500.000
Interoperability Wallet ERC-20-23 multicurrency, swap OFF-CHAIN wrist to wrist function. gTLD requires a .bitcoin .btc .blockchain domain.
$ 5.000.000 BitBand wholesale manufacture and distribution. Development of BitWatch begins with the installation of the body sensor in BitWatch and BitBand. Module
NFC and deal with local shops and services to accept
$ 10.000.000
Mass production and distribution worldwide BitWatch, Full Platform and Continuum Right, the full DEV headhunt and campaing hire to complete the development and dark Full EVERYTHING GOOD.
$ 15.000.000 (Hard Cap)
Smart-Assistant, Hi-Res Camera, PDA Function, Biometric Input geometry and face recogntion. Carry out health care with up-to-date data real exchange with the hospital. Funding local control centers will Analytical data is collected anonymously through the Blockchain device Sidera brings the health care system to the level.